Don't Declare War on Obesity at Your Workplace

When an issue, such as obesity, hits the "in your face" pitch it's at now, I get a bad gut feeling. The obesity epidemic, and the war on obesity news obsession, seems too magnified right now. Last week the word "obesity" managed to dominate headlines again. The news being, it's worse than we thought!
In June 2013, the American Medical Association (AMA) (against the advice of its scientific committee) classified obesity as a disease.
But I am betting the reason for that ruling had a lot more to do about reimbursement schemes than science.
If the media would engage with experienced and qualified health researchers, they'd begin to understand that being way too skinny or way too fat are bad for your health.
The meaningful health risks associated with weight are at both extremes. And the numbers of people in both those areas of extremes seem to be growing. So, there is no denying it's a problem.
For overweight people not at the extreme, I think we're buying into a powerfully incorrect social construct − that being overweight is an automatic sentence for being diseased and being expensive to care for. And that misperception is hurting the relationships many overweight workers have with their employers.
When I was just beginning in the wellness business, a study came out that hinted at the importance of social connections versus biomarkers to evaluate health status. I think the findings have been verified during the following 30 years, and the conclusions should finally be front-page news. I am so idealistic at times it can be a little embarrassing. Being socially connected is the thing we're missing in improving the health of millions of people.
"Individuals with close ties and unhealthful lifestyles lived longer than those with poor social ties and more healthful behaviors."
Alameda County Study (7,000 people studied over nine years, American Journal of Epidemiology 1979)
In fact, I think a strong argument could be made that thinness, and the pursuit of it, are more harmful to the health of Americans than simply being overweight. There isn't a lot of money to be made on that issue, however.
And you should know that I am not a "pissed off fat guy." The body types of my friends and family don't concern me. And I believe workplace wellness programs are wasting valuable time and resources trying to "cure" overweight people who are not sick.
It just doesn't make sense to ostracize overweight people within a workplace culture with all the negative incentives I am hearing about. And I don't think workplace weight-loss programs offer any sustainable results.
"Nothing in the scientific literature over the last quarter century is as well documented as the abject failure of weight-loss interventions. Yet, they continue to be one of the most common wellness interventions at the workplace." - Jon Robison, MPH, PhD
Take a closer look around your own workplace, and you'll discover many overweight people to be energetic, creative, in constant motion, and (believe it or not) focused on the core competency of the business. They may choose to lose some weight and keep it off, at some point. But it won't be because of a workplace weight-loss program.
If you're in the wellness business, and you're trained and programmed to focus on obesity as an area of intervention, what should you do if you decide not to do that anymore? Start by asking everyone, including overweight people, if they like their jobs and if they feel appreciated. I'll bet you'll like your job and feel more appreciated, too.
"Do you like your job? Are you valued at work?... Negative answers to these questions are associated with clinical morbidity and affect longevity even for those who could, if they wished, change their jobs."
The Last Well Person: How to Stay Well Despite the Health-Care System, by Nortin M. Hadler, MD
"Wellbeing" is a term beginning to gain favor instead of the clinical connotations of the word "wellness." Wellbeing gives us a chance to evolve to a better place. Take a holistic, non-clinical approach to making your entire culture healthful. That starts by seeing the beauty, uniqueness, talent, and the good in people, including overweight people.
It turns out that good science does support the concept of treating all people with courtesy and respect.

Can a Fitness Holiday Really Make a Difference?

Losing weight is a difficult task for most people. To really lose weight and keep it off then you need to develop a new lifestyle. More healthy food, best choice of restaurants, and regular exercise can put on the path of true lasting weight loss. Essentially, you must become a new person. A health farm can be a great way to do it, but not everyone finds the idea interesting. For many, the words "rehab" evoke images of bedroom with bunk beds, early morning awakening by telephone, disgusting food, and workouts that feel like torture. However, there are also a type of rehabilitation center that seems less like a boot camp and more like a vacation club.

Part bootcamp, part gourmet dining experience, a relaxing spa party fitness allows you to learn new ways of thinking about food and exercise. There are a lot of exercise, but can include fun activities such as hiking in the countryside. The staff is supportive and encouraging, and can help you find ways to circumvent physical limitations. A stay in good physical shape should feel like a luxury spa with private rooms and other activities, and exercise.

The idea of ​​a holiday is to learn new habits and practices of fitness before returning to the temptations and shortcuts to everyday life. Not only do these foods provide an excellent retreat, there must also be some form of nutrition education and even cooking classes. Before leaving, you should know how to cook their own meals deliciously healthy. You must come home with ideas for meal planning, shopping, and what to order in a restaurant. Few people have the time to cook a meal large, and we must learn how to prepare quick, healthy and delicious. Remember, you can not make a lasting change in your diet if you can not find healthy foods that you like. Physical removal may help to discover new foods that match your palate.

Retirement health should include more than just good food and plenty of exercise. To be truly a vacation should be a time to relax and enjoy. Withdrawal of good will have activities such as yoga and offers services such as massage. A relaxing massage and others in the sauna can help relieve sore muscles and make the trip more enjoyable fitness. Some even offer pensions hypnotherapy to help train your mind. While guests in a health spa to work hard, but can also have fun and relax at the same time.

The most important reason to consider a weight loss retreat is the effectiveness of these programs can be. A retreat offers the opportunity to leave old habits and learn new ways of thinking. It is time to build new habits and routines that persist even after the return.

After attending a luxury spa, three years ago, freelance Rolf George started a blog to educate and inspire those who want a holiday fitness. With subjects ranging from daily revisions fitness retreats luxury weight loss post-agricultural income health healthy Rolf is able to provide advice and information to those seeking to obtain or maintain control of their weight and general well-being.

4 Rules You Must Follow to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is that orange peel appearance of the skin caused by a poor blood circulation and the accumulation of fat, water and toxins. But, what causes cellulite? And how to get rid of cellulite?
This unsightly condition called cellulite is due to several factors:
- Inadequate food
- Lack of exercise
- Weight loss diets
- Hormonal disorders
- Constipation
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- The excess of alcohol
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Tight clothes
- Wearing high heels
Get rid of cellulite from your legs, thighs and bum with 4 simple rules
If you want to get rid of cellulite fast it is necessary to follow these 4 important rules.
1. You always have to start with a body detoxification, which is essential for treating cellulite. So, first adopt a slightly hypocaloric diet, but nutritionally balanced and rich in water, fruits, vegetables, moderate salt, keep it high in proteins, but stay away from fats, sweets, additives and artificial flavors.
2. Stress affects the hormonal balance, the appetite, the recreation and the body's capability to recover. It is a hidden cause of many diseases and cellulite is no exception. Respect the periods of rest. Sleep 7-8 hours in a well ventilated room, with no electrical appliances and no artificial light.
3. Hydration is essential for your skin's health. A small consumption of water makes toxins accumulate under the skin and leads to water retention and loss of elasticity. So, hydrate yourself with at least 2-3 liters of water each day and drink a glass of water before bed.
4. Do more physical exercises. The best natural way to stimulate and normalize the blood circulation are physical exercises (gymnastics), sports (any sport), fast walking, jogging, dancing, aerobics and massages (performed by a competent massage therapist).
A great way to remove cellulite fast is through anti cellulite massages combined with a therapeutic massage. Massage oils and aromatic substances have a beneficial effect on the skin and blood circulation when combined with an effective massage.
Your physical appearance is the first impression you give to others and your skin is perhaps the most important "coat" that you wear every day. Cellulite shouldn't match your outfit! Now you know what causes cellulite and how to remove it quickly. Do not let the cellulite ruin your vacation. Apply these 4 simple rules and remove cellulite from your life as fast as you can!
This is the way to lose thigh cellulite fast!
How will your life be, if you could start wearing shorts in weeks? If you take action NOW, you can go back to wearing a bikini at the beach in 2 weeks!
On the link below, I share for free my story, my mistakes that made my cellulite worse, my failures, the daily routine I followed for a few months and the e-book" 7 Secret Tips to banish cellulite".
Check it out and get them all for free , here:

Todays Meals

  • Breakfast: Porridge with lowfat milk, banana and a glass of water

  • Lunch: Potato stew, Salmon, some vegetables and a glass of water

  • Middaymeal: Bag of Popcorn, 2 Carrots (saw Lord of the rings), a bottle of water

  • Pretraining snack: A banana

  • Dinner: Wook with chicken and vegetables and two glasses of water

  • Nightmeal: Some sallad with turkey, vegetables and eggs, and an ornage

Fat: Foe or friend

Today we're going to talk about our main concern, fat! Fat is a misundestood and maligned substance, many seems to seek to eliminate it out of there meals altogether failing to understand the body needs fat for a reason. There are two very simple rules you can keep in mind when dealing with fat: 

  • Don't eat too much of it, but eat enough

  • Eat vegetabilian fat rather than animalfat like meat, egg and milk

Yes, you need to eat fat! If you don't get enough of it you'll shoot yourself in the foot since your body will go (or rather your fatcells) "Gee, starvation time! I better suck up as much fat as I can and hold on to it". But the body needs energy, where do you think it will get it? Yep, it will start breaking down your muscles. 

That's why many diets are so bad, you mostly lose weight through water and muscles and when you start eating "normal" again your body will think "Finally some fat, I better store up on it in case I don't get anymore for a while" and you'll blow up like a ballon. Next time we're going to learn how to calculate how much 
fat is enough fat