- Don't eat too much of it, but eat enough
- Eat vegetabilian fat rather than animalfat like meat, egg and milk
Yes, you need to eat fat! If you don't get enough of it you'll shoot yourself in the foot since your body will go (or rather your fatcells) "Gee, starvation time! I better suck up as much fat as I can and hold on to it". But the body needs energy, where do you think it will get it? Yep, it will start breaking down your muscles.
That's why many diets are so bad, you mostly lose weight through water and muscles and when you start eating "normal" again your body will think "Finally some fat, I better store up on it in case I don't get anymore for a while" and you'll blow up like a ballon. Next time we're going to learn how to calculate how much
fat is enough fat